With empathy and enthusiasm, I will help you to achieve a new level of EMPOWERMENT. Your written or musical product is not just a goal, it expresses your way of life and who you are. Let’s get you performing at an optimal level as a writer, composer or performing artist. We are going to start by putting excellence and authenticity at the top of the priorities list and allowing your masterpieces to blossom from there.
My services come with remarkable value. I am not just a teacher who comes in and out of your life once a week. I am available to you all week long to answer questions and to make sure that everything is going as planned. I want to see you succeed and am committed to you even when you’re not inside of my studio.
Music Education
Samira has been teaching children and adults both vocal piano music for nearly two decades. Her unique pedagogical style and commitment to her students makes for serious and skilled musicians. She also does extensive consulting work for composers who are looking to improve their arrangements, come up with something entirely new, or learn the basics! Click here for packages and program information.
Writing Coaching
Samira’s writing coaching is multi-faceted and engaging. She encourages all clients to take on a holistic approach to creating their novel, stage play, story, article or TV show. She has even worked with academics and Ph.D. candidates. Clients have benefited from once-a-week coaching, editing, as well as ground up work like unique brainstorming and idea-organization activities. Contact us for pricing info.
Inspiring Workshops
Workshops and Lectures presented by Samira are exciting, informative and outright inspiring. Often utilizing “The Hero’s Journey” as her primary tool, she energizes audiences to engage with life in a more heartful way. Participants that leave workshops have a portfolio of newly created poetry or musical ideas . Check her CV for her lecture and workshop highlights. Contact us for pricing info.